Looking After Your Reusables

Looking after and keeping your reusable period products can be daunting at first, especially if you’re not sure what to do. But have no fear, this blog post will cover all the essentials you need to know about caring for sustainable menstrual products so that you can invest in an eco-friendly future without worry.

Reusable period products are fantastic because of their ability to maintain quality after having been washed. However, different products require different methods, and this might be something to take into consideration before purchasing any reusable menstrual products. Our blog post last week detailed different types of reusable menstrual products with a few brief details on how to wash them. This post will have a specific focus on washing reusable period pads and underwear, but there will also be a brief review of the information given in the last publication.

Cloth reusables

Looking after reusable menstrual products is often the one thing that puts people off sustainable sanitary wear. We are here to tell you its much less effort than you think! After use, you should wash off the reusable products in cold water. This could be done in the kitchen sink, a cold rinse in the washing machine, or if you’re looking to save money, in the shower while it isn’t warm before you get in.

You will need to wash your products fairly promptly (i.e. the next day or two) to maintain the efficiency of the products. After rinsing, put the products in the washing machine on a cool and gentle cycle, which is also the cheaper way of washing your clothes. You can place your products in a delicates bag but this is not necessary. We strongly advise against using fabric conditioner or stain removers as this can make products less absorbent over time – they are comfortable enough to get away with this! If you have a particularly heavy flow, it is not recommended that the products are washed with other clothing, especially light clothing, as this could result in staining. Once washed, leave the products to dry in the air, rather than the tumble dryer, as it can cause damage to products.

Most period pants hold as much blood as two tampons, so don’t need to be changed as frequently, however some which are designed with heavier flows in mind can hold as many as 4 tampons worth. It’s always best to check with the manufacturing website how much blood the reusable underwear can hold so that you are aware of how often to change them. In general, it is a good idea to put a new pair/new pad on in the morning, and a fresh one before you go to bed. If looked after properly, reusable cloth products can last up to 4 years.

Silicone reusables

With silicone based reusable period products like menstrual cups and discs, the best way to clean them is with water. Before first insertion, boil water on the stove and put the silicone product into the pan to boil and sterilise. This should take around 3-8 minutes. You should also rinse your silicone products every time you empty them out in clean drinking water.

You will want to store your silicone reusable menstrual products in a dust bag so they are not constantly out in the open.


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