Out and about…

This week we’ve been out at not one, not two, but THREE sustainability events with NTU and we’ve had a great time chatting with staff and students about reusables as well as giving away lots of freebies. For anyone who’s seen us out and about before you will know how much we LOVE talking about periods with strangers. Even in 2022 there is still such a stigma surrounding sanitary wear and we often find that people are dying to talk to us as soon as we make it clear we are offering a safe space to do so. With rising student poverty and cost of living we think it’s more important than ever to get people talking about periods and the reusable options on the market. No more suffering in silence. On a regular basis we find people telling us about their struggles with sanitary wear, itchiness, sores or just feeling plain lost with all the options on the market. So I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you ever see us out and about at an event, we’re always happy to talk, help with your queries/ concerns or just to give you a chance to vent on the joys of menstruation without the fear of judgement or stigma.


Super Sustainable Period Products


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